This year in North Carolina, spring has come very early, even for us. Many of our trees, bushes and flowers have made a very early appearance and frankly, spring is busting out all over. These cherry trees on West Franklin Street next door to the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Center were blooming in time for Valentine’s Day.

Cherry Trees on Franklin Street

All over town the daffodils have been blooming non-stop. In the Coker Arboretum the camellias have been blooming for weeks. The yellow forsythia has sprouted and even the tulip trees are in full bloom.

Daffodils in Spring

Many in Chapel Hill are out and about, some in shorts and sleeveless shirts enjoying the warm temperatures in the 60's and 70's. Orange County has many trails in the area to hike on: River Walk in Hillsborough, Bolin Creek, Mason Farm and Battle Park Trails. We are going to savor these days before Mother Nature wakes up and realizes that the calendar is saying that it is still winter!